So a few years ago when I was working in Chicago and living with a friend I was introduced to Corner Bakery. Their lunches were great but it was their breakfasts that kept me coming back. In particular their Swiss Oatmeal. It was like nothing I had ever had before. First of all it was cold. Which was weird to me at first but now is how I prefer it. It has a creamy, tangy flavor and is mixed with crunchy and chewy bits that make it just perfect. After years of experimenting I think I finally have the formula down so I thought I would share it with all of you!
To make this oatmeal you actually have to get started the night before. This isn’t my favorite way to have to do a recipe. As you know I don’t really care for things that are fussy or require a lot of prework. That said I think that this one is definitely worth it. And luckily the steps the night before only take about 5 minutes; add in 10 more minutes in the morning and you have something pretty simple and delicious!
After allowing the oatmeal to sit over night you add in chopped fruit and you’re ready to go! This may be my favorite breakfast – with low-fat dairy, whole grains, fresh fruit, and nuts how can you go wrong?
I always think of my grandpa when I make oatmeal. I swear that guy loves oatmeal more than anyone on the planet. I can remember staying at my grandparents house as a kid watching grandpa eat oatmeal while grandma and I cooked up something fun on the stove. So here is some oatmeal for that old man!
You can make this about any flavor that you want. I recently had a friend at work that made a version with peanut butter, bananas, chia seeds, and honey. She was kind enough to bring me a bowl for breakfast and it was DELICIOUS. Maybe I’ll have to make that one next
Corner Bakery Copycat Swiss Oatmeal Recipe
yield 6-8 servings
1 3/4 cup old fashioned oats
1 8oz container yogurt (I prefer vanilla)
1 cup milk (or soy milk)
1 T. honey
1 t. vanilla extract
1 t. salt
1 cup trail mix, chopped (or any dried fruits, nuts, and seeds you like)
1 cup chopped apples
1 cup chopped bananas
1) Combine oatmeal, yogurt, milk, honey, vanilla, and salt in a large bowl and mix well. Store in an airtight container for at least 4 hours or overnight in the refrigerator.
2) Add the chopped trail mix, chopped apple, and chopped banana. Stir and serve cold. Keeps well in an airtight container for up to 3 days. The fruit does brown though so if you’re storing it for long be sure the container is very airtight or just add in the fruit to the part you are serving each day.
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