The complete dreariness of the weekend makes me wish I was somewhere warm and sunny. I cannot wait for summer, or even spring. Seriously, how nice do shorts, flip-flops, and sunscreen sound right now?! Ah, patience – I wish I had some. Even though it is freezing outside and brutally raining I am making fudge pops. That’s right frozen summer treats. Perhaps it will encourage summer to come faster if I make summer’s favorite snack.
It wasn’t just one frozen treat. I made 14 different types of fudge pops. Each one used different kinds of milk, different kinds of chocolate, and different mixes of sugar. Do you think this makes me a certified lunatic or just an anal perfectionist? Actually, never mind, I don’t want to know. While it was a very fun experiment it definitely took a lot of work. But I won’t try to pretend this wasn’t a truly fantastic afternoon spent somewhere between a sugar high and a chocolate buzz. Worth. It.
As it turns out fudge pops are difficult to make. Getting the perfect texture took a lot of work. After trying skim, 2%, whole, and soy milk without getting it right I moved on. I tried half and half, light cream, heavy cream, and whipping cream. Alas, still not quite right! Finally, as I was running out of patience and popsicle molds I tried evaporated milk… Ta-Da! Fudge pops!! 🙂

It was delicious. I am talking lick your fingers and your hands delicious. I am talking hide these from your friends and eat them all yourselves delicious. Seriously, they are fantastically addictive. As soon as you let that very last bite melt away in your mouth you are both incredibly happy that you are eating it and incredibly sad that it is gone. Eat Slowly.
yields 4 – 1/4 cup fudge pops
1 cup evaporated milk
1 T. corn syrup
3 T. chocolate syrup
1 t. cocoa powder

2) Pour the pop batter into pop molds and allow to set in the freezer for at least 6 hours.
That’s it! Just remove from the molds and start snacking! Though consider this fair warning, consuming these may turn you into a fudge pop craving zombie and you won’t rest until you have eaten all the fudge pops that you made… and all those that your neighbors made… and you will start forcing people to make them so you can eat them… 🙂
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